Presentation: A Sedimental Journey: Tracking Historic Dirt Downstream

Author’s Chat: Corridors for Wildlife, at Barren Ridge Vineyard
Smaller Gallery Image: Preparing to hug a large, old white oak near home in 2020.
Seeing the Forest for the Carbon
Author’s Chat: Corridors for Wildlife, at Barren Ridge Vineyard
Smaller Gallery Image: Preparing to hug a large, old white oak near home in 2020.
Seeing the Forest for the Carbon
bank of the Smith Creek

Does this bank of Smith Creek in the Allegheny Mountains of Virginia look “natural” to you? Far from it, as its land use history proves.

bank of the Smith Creek
Does this bank of Smith Creek in the Allegheny Mountains of Virginia look “natural” to you? Far from it, as its land use history proves.

Using archival photos and my forest forensics photos of clues to the history of my own beloved woods – and far beyond – I presented a webinar for the Forest History Society (Duke University), “A Sedimental Journey:  Tracking Historic Dirt Downstream.”  This presentation greatly expands the one I gave in 2021 for the Friends of the North Fork.  If you think forest history hasn’t had consequences that continue today, take a look at your local creek after watching this 30 minute video